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repeat instructions for ea increase

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:41 pm
by leet
This question is in reference to the repeat instructions for each increase, specifically, for round 3: after sc in center dc of next sh, did you half-shell again or full shell? I assume it is half shell because it says move st marker up to center dc of half-sh but the instructions have sh. :?:

Re: repeat instructions for ea increase

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:43 pm
by shaucan
I got so confused on this, too. I just finished the dress today and ripped out that section at least 3 times. In the end, I Half-sh.

Good luck. I got lost on the straps, too, but winged it.

Re: repeat instructions for ea increase

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:22 pm
by carolyn60
You will do a half-sh in the first marked sc (now move the marker to the center dc of that half-sh), sc in the center dc of next sh, in the last marked sc, you will do a full shell (move marker to center dc of this shell).

So for Rnd 3 you will do both a half-sh and a full shell in the marked stitches.

Hope that helps a little. This is such a lovely dress and one of my grand daughters favorites.

Re: repeat instructions for ea increase

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:49 am
by leet
I assumed wrong on that one. I did a half-shell on both sides of increase for round 3. I am too far into it to pull it out now. I may not have the flair I wanted, but what else will it affect?

Re: repeat instructions for ea increase

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:26 am
by Lisa
There is indeed an error in this portion where it says to move st marker up. That is what created the confusion, by it saying to move it up to the half-sh when it should say sh. So on this rnd 3, at the dec points, you should have (where the last sh is a full sh): half sh, sc, sh

As written (INCORRECT):
Rnd 3: Rep for each inc point: Half-sh in sc, move st marker up to center dc of half-sh, sc in center dc of next sh, sh in next sc, move st marker up to center dc of half-sh

Rnd 3: Rep for each inc point: Half-sh in sc, move st marker up to center dc of half-sh, sc in center dc of next sh, sh in next sc, move st marker up to center dc of sh

If you made a half shell, this will not affect the "flair" as whether the full shell is made on this rnd or the next rnd will not matter, as a full shell is eventually made in the rnd after next. So rest assured, you are working it fine and it will still have the intended affect! I apologize for this error causing this confusion!! I will also be adding in a st diagram in the next version to depict these increase rnds so that one will see them visually. I will make sure each of you get a copy of the next version.

Shaucan, if you can, please let me know what was confusing on the straps? Anything I can do to make the pattern easier to understand is appreciated! You can send me a PM (to Lisa) or post here in this forum! I would like to make all patterns as clear as can be- and any input or opinions you give will be greatly valued.